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Don’t Mess With My Friends

Is there anything we are more passionate about than friends and family? I doubt it. Netfix is learning that right now. They recently killed the little used, but obviously much loved (for those who used it) Friends feature. This was a social feature on Netflix that allowed users to add friends and create lists of people that they could see what they were watching on Netflix.

Netflix gets algorithms. They don’t seem to get social. Their Friends feature had so much potential and if used right, and promoted and developed could probably drive just as much if not more video use than their famous recommendation engine. But they obviously don’t feel that way.

According to Netflix less than 2% of users used the feature that’s been around since 2004, but those 2% are upset. Apparently they killed the feature without warning those passionate users and have now issued an apology.

Killing product features is tough, not communicating the changes in advance is not the advised route. But I’d like to look at the apology. Todd Yellin (appropriate last name right now) issued an apology on the company blog, they admitted their mistakes, explained the rationale, apologized and mentioned that they have read every comment, blog post & tweet.

My real question is if they are engaging or not. Netflix is great at listening and only mildly good at engaging. Of the 121 comments so far Netflix hasn’t continued engaging. There’s some really upset customers and I imagine that some additional transparency would help.They have a Facebook page, a Ning community but their Twitter account seems to have a squatter on it, or they’re just not doing anything with it.

So basically Netflix is like most companies right now; they have a social footprint but its obviously not ingrained into their culture or processes yet. This is the next step for everyone.

Photo credit: by Balakov

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About Tac

Social media anthropologist. Communications strategist. Business model junkie. Chief blogger here at New Comm Biz.

  • jennygirl207

    I think that they could've used this to their benefit, and that it was a mistake to remove this feature. For example how TV Guide uses FacebookConnect on their site, to keep traffic there & let users see what their friends are watching.

  • http://www.newcommbiz.com tacanderson

    I saw on their Facebook page that Netflix uses Facebook connect to share video choices why not tie that into the site itself?

  • jennygirl207

    Great idea.

  • http://www.blogs.vbpoutsourcing.com/ Tessa Carroll

    It's sad that a company as good at listening as Netflix is still behind the curve when it comes to engagement. They have all of the tools to engage customers and keep them happy, yet they still have a barrier up when it comes to transparency. Sometimes it takes more than apologizing for an action.

    Tessa Carroll

  • http://www.netflix.com/StrangerProfile?prid=476524703&lnkce=mdp-profile&trkid=1468747 Guy Fawkes

    Guy Fawkes here, N-Flix reviewer rank #45. I just wanted to chime in here about the passionate responses found on this blog and others. I know I was disappointed because losing the friends function was actually like losing friends. Not to mention the countless hours put into rating, reviewing and fabricating top-ten lists.

    Sure it's most likely a profit motive - less postage, primarily A-list movies, and shift toward mainly low-res streaming. I guess as a former “power user” I wasn't profitable to the company. In the height of my enthusiasm I'd have a turnaround of about 3 days for my movies. However those days are gone, the new releases have shrunk dramatically, no more top-ten lists that had a more COMPLETE release listing then N-Flix's, and films I sought (documentaries) almost completely phased out as well.

    I write this because of the knowledge garnered from all the independent study opportunities due to my relationship with N-Flix - almost like getting another BA or Masters degree's worth of education. Streaming doesn't seem to do that for me. Nevertheless, I've about burned my queue and with no new docs or recommendations for months I may simply place my account on hold for a while or even leave. Anyway, it WAS fun while it lasted. Thanx for the experience, it was well worth the years of doing business with you.

    Guy Fawkes (V for Vendetta)

  • Charlton Delano

    Here's what I said to the good people at Netflix:

    What nonsense — 2% ? Did you pull that figure out of a hat? Here's how most people probably benefit from Friends features - when they're browsing movies they are quickly and easily told what their friends rated it. The notebook system was crappily designed anyway, so no big loss, but you're not allowing Netflix users to see what their friends rated a movie while browsing?? Yes, it must take a huge amount of engineering skill to maintain that feature. Thanks for improving my Netflix experience! I'll be improving my Netflix experience by canceling my account. Of course, it seems you people realize you were wrong, but it would make you look bad if you admitted it, I understand of course.

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