// what do you think?


What Twitter as email would look like.

If I could re-make Outlook

If only I could recreate corporate email. <sigh>

What you’re are seeing here is TweetDeck overlaying my Outlook. I only use Outlook at work because I have to. I love the simple fact that TweetDeck let’s me divide Twitter into groups. I’ve organized this by my local friends and everyone else. TweetDeck automatically separates replies and direct messages.

If you could send files through Twitter much like you can through Pownce and have group chat functionality, I fail to see any reason why a Twitter *like* client wouldn’t work for corporate email.

This of course doesn’t handle calendering or contacts but it’s not hard to see how Web 2.0 could replace our current corporate communications tools.

And I won’t go into it here but my mind is spinning with additional benefits around knowledge sharing and cross silo collaboration.

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About Tac

Social media anthropologist. Communications strategist. Business model junkie. Chief blogger here at New Comm Biz.

  • http://notronwest.wordpress.com Ron West

    Um - yes (an no). Not sure that “Tweetdeck” is the answer - but grouping of contacts into logical buckets based on what you are currently working on would be terrific. We are so ready for a communication revolution. Outlook sucks.

  • http://notronwest.wordpress.com Ron West

    Um - yes (an no). Not sure that “Tweetdeck” is the answer - but grouping of contacts into logical buckets based on what you are currently working on would be terrific. We are so ready for a communication revolution. Outlook sucks.

  • http://www.newcommbiz.com Tac

    I totally agree that TweetDeck isn’t the answer but it demonstrates how a Twitter like communication style would be so much more effective than email for 80% of our needs.

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  • http://www.newcommbiz.com Tac

    I totally agree that TweetDeck isn't the answer but it demonstrates how a Twitter like communication style would be so much more effective than email for 80% of our needs.

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