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Read The Now Revolution To Fix Your Social Media Now

I’ve recommended several books before. And I’ve read far more books than I recommend. I don’t recommend a book I haven’t read and don’t really believe in. I’ve also all but quit reading books just about social media. I have not read a book just about social media in 6 months that taught me something new. But then The NOW Revolution came along. Let me say right up front that I am highly recommending you read this book. It’s not your normal social media book.

In full disclosure, I was given two copies of this book, one to read and honestly review - good or bad -and one to giveaway. And if you just want to jump to the giveaway head to the end of the post.

Amber Naslund and Jay Baer have done a great job writing this book. But don’t take my word for it, best selling business authors and marketers extraordinaire,  Seth Godin, Chris Brogan and John Jantsch (among others) have all put their seal of approval on the book.

So what’s all the big deal about? Why do we need another marketing book? Why do we need another book about social media? Because this book hits on something that few rarely touch on. If you want to do social media right, you have to be aligned internally in order to execute. The whole premise of the book is something that I’ve been talking about for a long time here. Before you read another book about social media or marketing you need to read this book in  order to understand what you need to change inside your organization in order to be effective.

What are the things you need to change? The 7 Shifts to Make Your Business Faster, Smarter and More Social

  1. Engineer a New Bedrock - This chapter is about creating a healthy real-time culture.
  2. Find Talent You Can Trust - How do you find (internally & externally) the new talent you need.
  3. Organize Your Armies - Once you have the culture and the people, you need to organize and activate them.
  4. Answer the New Telephone - What does it really mean to listen and how do you scale it?
  5. Emphasize Response-Ability - This is an important chapter about the need for companies to still be human.
  6. Build a Fire Extinguisher - This is still business, fires will happen. How do you prepare for them?
  7. Make a Calculator - Yes, this is still business. How do you measure success?

If you’ve been involved in social media for a long time, this may not seem like anything new to you. And in all honesty, it’s not. But it’s the first book that’s finally put it all together and not only created the big picture of how it all works but also how you make it actionable. It’s short and packed with so much useful info and tips, you’ll find yourself dog earing every page and writing all over the margins.

This is the most interactive, dead-tree book you’ll ever read. Not only are there URLs all over the place, and great images like the ones bellow but the book wisely uses Microsoft’s Tag codes throughout the book. These work the same as QR codes and you can take a picture of the codes with an app on your phone and instantly get videos, charts and audio. It’s really cool and makes it a lot of fun.

You can check out The Now Revolution on the Web and on Facebook.

Wait didn’t you say you had a copy to give away?

Why yes I did and I’m going to make it really easy.  The contest will end on Monday, 2/28/11 and a respondent will be picked at random. Just leave me a comment on the New Comm Biz Facebook page answering this one question:

What internal problems are getting in the way of  most companies being able to successfully manage social media?

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About Tac

Social media anthropologist. Communications strategist. Business model junkie. Chief blogger here at New Comm Biz.

  • http://brasstackthinking.com Amber Naslund

    Tac -

    Thank you so much for taking the time to read and review TNR. I have to say that your endorsement means a great deal, especially considering how much I value and respect the work that you do and the stance you take about social media’s efficacy in business. So that *you* found it useful and worth recommending is a big coup in my book.

    Thanks again for being part of this, and for sharing the book with your readers. Hope to hear feedback and input from them, too!


  • http://www.newcommbiz.com tacanderson

    My pleasure Amber. It’s a great book. You and Jay should be proud of the work you’ve done here.

  • http://topsy.com/www.newcommbiz.com/read-the-now-revolution-to-fix-your-social-media-now/?utm_source=pingback&utm_campaign=L2 Tweets that mention Read The Now Revolution To Fix Your Social Media Now | New Comm Biz — Topsy.com

    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tac Anderson, Francisco Kemeny, Craig M. Jamieson, AllThingsM, Medias Sociaux and others. Medias Sociaux said: Read The Now Revolution To Fix Your Social Media Now http://bit.ly/foWGg4 /via @NewCommBiz [...]

  • http://twitter.com/simon_g Simon Griffiths

    Already got the Open Leadership book from Marcus, free. Wouldn’t want to rely on WE for my reading. Thanks for the review.

  • http://www.sharelomer.com SharelOmer

    hi tac, gr8 review… i would say that the internal barriers of manage social media is:
    - scaling - having more then one person manage the community…
    - Measure - how to measure the ROI of each social media channel…
    - Integrate - merge with social community and real customers or prospects…

    make sense?

  • http://josemiguelvasquez.com/wordpress/the-actor-and-social-media/ The Actor and Social Media | Actor's Film Lounge

    [...] Read The Now Revolution To Fix Your Social Media Now (newcommbiz.com) [...]

  • http://jeannabarrett.com Jeanna Barrett

    Something I see getting in the way of companies successfully managing social media is the inability to shed the “everything must be approved by legal or department X!” mentality. When working with a community, I feel like you need to put trust in the person managing it for you. By the time 5 departments have approved a post a week later, most likely it’s going to be old news. “Make it snappy!” :D

  • http://twitter.com/TaraLynG TaraLynG

    Hi Tac -

    A few issues that I can see at this time include the following:
    - The structure for effective social leadership and coordination is ill-defined or enforced
    - The centralized social team is not staffed enough to make exponential growth against strategy. Leveraging talent on non-core social teams is important, but strengthening the core is critical
    - Social strategy that is not rooted firmly in business goals
    - Social strategy that is not based on research or listening

    Thank you for the opportunity!

  • http://www.josemiguelvasquez.com/?p=382 The Actor and Social Media | Jose Miguel Vasquez

    [...] Read The Now Revolution To Fix Your Social Media Now (newcommbiz.com) [...]

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