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Gaming The Enterprise FTW

lego gaming

Rypple has been getting some good coverage the last few days. At first pass it seems kind of like a Yammer type of service with some people management tools built in and a touch of gaming. But that would be a very limited view of the product and missing the bigger trend.

Rypple doesn’t want to replace Yammer and in fact will soon be running on top of Yammer. You can watch the long Robert Scoble, Rypple interview here or watch the short version at the end of this post.

Rypple wants to be the Zynga of the Enterprise. They want to add gaming mechanics to the tools we already use. While they’re starting off with communication tools it’s not hard to imagine them integrated into other enterprise tools like, say CRM…

Which is the bigger trend to watch and brings me to my moment of self validation. (Bear with me, I’ll make it quick.) From the 2011 version of my 5 predictions for the next 5 years:

2) Socially Gaming Life & Work FTW

Gamification is a hot buzzword right now but we’ve only barely touched on its application. I encourage you to check out the Gamification Wiki, especially the part on Game Mechanics. So other than pointing out an existing trend what’s my point? We’re going to see gamification take place in very unlikely areas.

Why not build game mechanics into CRM applications? The biggest flaw in every CRM is getting people to enter data. There’s no good way to do this why not make a game out of it. Sounds trite but I guarantee you’ll see better results than you see now.

With the advent of social and mobile data there will not only be more an opportunity for gaming but also more of a need. Not everything is intrinsically motivating and sometimes a little rewards works well.

This is a very early manifestation of this trend but I expect it to continue to grow and spread in ways we can’t fully appreciate today.

Photo credit By kennymatic

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About Tac

Social media anthropologist. Communications strategist. Business model junkie. Chief blogger here at New Comm Biz.

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