
Posts Tagged ‘API’

The Guardian continues to impress me

March 10th, 2009

Image via Wikipedia

I’ve never been to the UK. I hope to someday but I haven’t yet. That being said, I’m a regular reader of their online content. I thought their US Presidential Campaign coverage was among the best out their.

They have also shown to be one of the more innovative Old Media companies on either side of the pond. Last year they acquired ContentNext which ran the popular site. They now have announced an API for their Open Platform.

Guardian launches Open Platform service to make online content available free | Media |

The Guardian today launched Open Platform, a service that will allow partners to reuse content and data for free and weave it “into the fabric of the internet”.

Part of the deal is that you also have to take their advertising, which is understandable but will limit adoption of their platform. It seems to me that a truely open platform would be a bigger win in the long run.

Tac Business, Journalism , , ,

Micropreneurs and the new economy

March 2nd, 2009
A Call To Open-Source The iPhone

Last year I wrote about the coming of the Micropreneur. This is only the beginning. We are going to see a huge rise in “side-projects” like this case of the IBM employee who developed the iShoot game. Have you played this game? It’s highly addictive.

How to become an iPhone developer in eight easy steps | Technology |

Between API’s, open source software and new tools and technologies that make developing apps and games cheaper and easier, I believe we will see a huge rise in this through 2009-10.

Image by whurley via Flickr

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