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Business model

This tag is associated with 18 posts

Wake Up PR and Advertising! You’re Blowing It!

Next month will mark the 2 year point from when I joined Waggener Edstrom’s, Studio D group. Waggener Edstrom has it’s roots in PR and most of clients still are in PR but I’m not a PR person. I don’t think of myself as a story teller or a journalist and I definitely don’t do [...]

How Will Your Business be Crowdsourced?

In the last 20 years we’ve seen some major disruption to business models far and wide. The Internet has turned out to be far more disruptive than anyone could have guessed. Google’s PPC ad model added a new layer of disruption to that model and now another shift, crowdsourcing, which is largely driven by social [...]

Get Used To Twitter Buying Companies

So apparently some people are shocked that Twitter would buy a startup built on it’s service. Really? Hello does anyone remember Summize? The Twitter search startup that Twitter bought and that became Twitter Search. Now Twitter’s bought Tweetie, the leading premium Twitter iPhone app and made it Twitter for iPhone. Anyone notice a trend? I [...]

Innovation and Disruption, What’s Holding You Back?

I have stated before that, while I don’t know the guy and have never met him, Marc Andreessen is probably the entrepreneur of my generation that I most admire. Today I came across a post on TechCrunch where Marc is quoted as saying that Old Media needs to burn the boats. I love this type [...]

Will Technology Drastically Change the Agency Business Model?

Adam Singer has a post about the challenges in building a consultancy/agency in the digital world. I shared this post on Twitter and instantly had replies from Marc Meyer and Jason Moriber. Marc couldn’t agree more and Jason totally disagrees. I don’t know exactly why Marc and Jason feel that way, maybe they’ll share their [...]

Why Business is Broken

Image via Wikipedia I believe companies need a complete overhaul from the inside out. From business models to internal and external communications practices. Why? Our processes, organizational structures, communications practices, systems for measuring ROI internally and externally and the vast majority of our business models were created in an age of triplicate carbon copy paper, [...]

A Glimpse into the Future of Social Media, Journalism and Advertising

Image by Tac Anderson via Flickr What will the future of social media look like? You just need to look around because “The future is already here - it is just unevenly distributed.” In rapid order I came across three articles that help paint that picture (all emphasis are mine): Marc Meyer rightfully points out: [...]

What will Twitter do with $100 Million? [Acquisitions]

Image by TW Collins via Flickr While there are some great debates over Twitter’s newest round of funding the bigger question is what is such a small business (29 employees) going to do with all that money? I’ve said it over and over again. They will buy their business model. I believe that Twitter is [...]

Write Great Content. Fragment. Distribute Everywhere.

Dave Patton and I have been talking about creating content and then “fragmenting” and re-purposing it. This would allow for the whole story to be found but plan for and receive all the benefits of fragmenting and distributing your content. Write a feature length journalistic story, turn that into a blog post into a tweet, [...]

My Big 3 Social Puzzles

These are the things I spend most of my days thinking about lately. I think they’re going to be the 3 big drivers of change in business and society over the next 5-10 years. - Citizen and Corporate Journalism. I don’t think current news corporations can fill the need society and companies need. I think [...]

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