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Social Media Isn’t A Distraction It Is My Source Of Power

Two of the greatest communication tools that have changed my life are Twitter and blogging. I would give up just about every other communication tool before I gave up these.  I feel really sorry for people who don’t participate actively in Twitter or blog. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard some variation of “I don’t have anything to say.” Or the more popular trend that social media and information overload are ruining our minds.

4 years ago in January I first signed up for Twitter. In those 4 years I’ve posted more that 14,000 updates and gathered just over 10,000 followers. 4 years ago this month I started this blog. I’ve posted more than 800 posts and generated almost 3,000 comments.

But that’s not the point. The numbers have nothing to do with why I do what I do and why I’ve done them relatively consistently that whole time. It’s because of all of you. You guys are awesome.

(There are far too many awesome friends to highlight here but just a small sampling to give you a flavor of the raw unfettered awesomeness I experience everyday.)

I could go on and on.

Participating in the broader conversation, even when by asking questions, giving my opinion, sharing links to cool things I find have fundamentally changed me for the better in ways I could have never done on my own.

I’m nothing special. But I’ve been able to accomplish some pretty awesome things because all of you provide the insight and knowledge I need to do the things I do. I’m just a synthesizer of the communities knowledge.

People ask my how can I be as active as I am in social media and still accomplish everything I do? The fact is, I wouldn’t be able to accomplish the things I do if I didn’t participate in social media. Social media isn’t a distraction it’s my source of power.

Here’s to the next 4 years.

Photo credit by Balakov

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About Tac

Social media anthropologist. Communications strategist. Business model junkie. Chief blogger here at New Comm Biz.

  • http://www.skepticgeek.com Mahendra


    Thanks for the mention, but the reason I’m commenting is because I so wholeheartedly agree!

    Also wanted to mention that your ingenuous posts are like a breath of fresh air that always stimulate and broaden the horizons of my mind. Thank you, and here’s looking forward to many more years!

  • http://topsy.com/www.newcommbiz.com/social-media-isnt-a-distraction-it-is-my-source-of-power/?utm_source=pingback&utm_campaign=L2 Tweets that mention Social Media Isn’t A Distraction It Is My Source Of Power | New Comm Biz — Topsy.com

    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tac Anderson, Mahendra Palsule, AllThingsM, Gabe Chesman, New Comm Biz and others. New Comm Biz said: Social Media Isn’t A Distraction It Is My Source Of Power: Two of the greatest communication tools that have cha… http://bit.ly/gM8ntA [...]

  • http://www.jeremymeyers.com/ Jeremy Meyers

    Gratitude is the most powerful emotion we have. It literally changes how our brain works.

    I’m grateful to be able to keep in touch with you even tho we don’t work together as well, so thanks.

  • http://www.newcommbiz.com tacanderson

    It’s not like we “talk” any less :)

  • http://www.newcommbiz.com tacanderson

    Thanks Mahendra. We should start a chant: “4 more years! 4 more years!”

  • http://www.guptaguru.com/ Anil Gupta

    Things depends on how you see and how you take. :)

  • http://creativefuelstudios.com/the-talent/jim-gray/ Jim Gray

    I can totally relate. Twitter has been an amazing connection line to the world.

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