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The Total Reset Experiment: Week 1 - You Need To Blog More!

One week ago today I chopped the head off of all of my RSS feeds and all of my Twitter followers in an attempt of sparking insights through rediscovery. It’s only been a week but it’s been interesting.

Here’s what I’ve learned so far:


I dropped about 9K followers on Twitter and have added back a little over 1K (and am still adding more daily) and have only lost about 400 followers so far but more are dropping. I’m assuming the bulk of these are spam bots from when I had auto follow turned on.

My Klout score rose from 64 to 65 (not that I care, it’s just an interesting data point). I assume this is because following/follower ratio has something to do with their score.

I did not delete the lists of people I had created. Since these were hand curated I started by following all of the people on my lists (I still haven’t gone through all of my lists). But already I’m getting to the point where I’m going to have to separate people out by lists. By the time you hit 1,000 people you follow, your twitter stream is already moving too fast to keep up on.

Blog/News Feeds

I unsubscribed from about 300 RSS feeds and have only added 54 back so far. I expect to get back to the same number eventually. One of my main approaches to discovering new blogs is to go through my list of people I’m following on Twitter and see who has a blog and to follow their blog. My thinking is that if you’re good enough to follow on Twitter then your blog is probably pretty good too. So far I’ve been right with that assumption but one thing that I’ve noticed: You Need To Blog More!

Seriously guys some of you link to your blog in your Twitter bio but haven’t updated in a year. Or worse, some of you have ignored blogs filled with spam comments or the link in your Twitter bio is just broken. You’re all awesome smart people, update your blogs!

This week I should have more time on rediscovery so hopefully I’ll have more insights to share next week.

Photo credit by Tac Anderson

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About Tac

Social media anthropologist. Communications strategist. Business model junkie. Chief blogger here at New Comm Biz.

  • http://www.newcommbiz.com/be-a-contrarian-blog-more/ Be A Contrarian. Blog More. | New Comm Biz

    [...] I just noted in my last post, a lot of people have, seemingly, fallen out of love with their blogs. After publishing that last [...]

  • Lstigerts

    How can you keep up on so many tweeps and RSS feeds? I feel like there’s a point of diminishing returns where you can’t keep up on people or blogs (and especially can’t cultivate quality relationships) with so many feeds flying by. Do you just reach out and grab a snapshot of posts and tweets when you get the chance, and what you get, you get? Do you not have the intentions of keeping up on the stream, but having it in the background for reference when necessary?

  • http://www.newcommbiz.com tacanderson

    I find the same news (if it’s important) will resurface. I create lists of people that I actually follow, everyone else is there for serendipity. Tweets and RSS feeds aren’t email, I don’t have to read all of them. Not all feeds are created equal.

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