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Channeling Creative Disruptive Energy

You’re restless. You get frustrated that things don’t go faster. You don’t understand why your company moves so slow. I know because I have these same thoughts. I had these same thoughts even when it was my own company.

Creative energy is a great thing. It fuels innovation. In excess it can also be highly disruptive. Again this can be a good thing. It fuels innovation. It can also tear your company apart if not managed properly.

When you’ve put a plan in place you have to give it time to work. Those of us with an excess of creative energy aren’t very good at waiting for those plans to be realized. We immediately want to change more things. We love change sometimes more than results. That’s dangerous.

And I’m not talking about recreational activities. Those are important but they aren’t outlets for the creative energy I’m talking about. I’m talking about that drive that makes you wake up wanting to change the World and that pent up energy that keeps your brain from shutting off at night.

Have you notice how founders will often start other startups while they’re still building their startup? It seems counterintuitive but it’s probably very healthy for their startup. Assuming they don’t let it take too much of their time and focus. So what do you do with all that pent up energy? You need to find an outlet or you’ll constantly be frustrated and put your organization at risk.

I bog. I love blogging because it’s a great outlet and helps me get my thoughts organized. I start lots of blogs and sometimes they last (like this one) and sometimes they don’t. Things have been pretty quiet here the last few weeks. Partly because work’s been busy, I’ve been traveling and speaking. But I’m also getting ready to launch a new blog. I’m trying a totally different approach than I normally take. It’s still focused on social media just in a different way. And instead of just jumping in like I normally do I’m being more deliberate. More on that later.

I also get involved in my community. I like to work with startups and participate in my local social media groups. The trick of course is to not let yourself get carried away. Don’t lose focus on what’s really important and remember that these are side projects. Unless of course they become something more.

How do you manage your excess energy?

Photo credit By pasukaru76

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About Tac

Social media anthropologist. Communications strategist. Business model junkie. Chief blogger here at New Comm Biz.

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