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Newspapers, Dictators And Pimps Are All Being Disrupted By Social Media

I and every other marketing and business blogger have written so much about the disruption social media has had, and continues to have, on newspapers that I don’t feel the need to go into that any further. If you need a refresher you can start here. But this was just the tip of the iceberg.

On the last day of 2010 I wrote a post about the coming chaos and next wave of disruption: 2011 Is Not About Social Media. Prepare For The Next Wave Of Disruption. Here are a few quotes from the post:

Changes in technology effects the way we communicate which effects our culture and those cultural changes effect further changes in technology.

The rate at which technology continues to change is not showing any signs of slowing down. Those changes will continue to have huge effects on the way we communicate. Think about the last few years and the changes we’ve seen in business, government and education. This is just the beginning.

The US is no longer the sole power in the World, in fact I would say that no country is. The People are the new powerhouse and they/we don’t just care about maximizing profits.

With the fall of the Tunisian government and the following protests and fall of the Egyptian government, media pundits and social media advocates are frothing at the mouth trying to decide how much credit “social media” deserves in bringing freedom to these countries. Social media was hugely impactful in bringing about these changes and while they didn’t cause the changes, no one can argue their role in enabling them.

But the changes social media has goes even beyond Newspapers and dictators.

In a recent Wired article they report on escorts use of Facebook pages (not profiles). It wasn’t interesting to me that escorts used Facebook pages but that Facebook pages were replacing their need to rely on escort services and pimps.

[M]any sex workers hate agencies because they take a cut without providing much security or support.

[S]ex workers were turning to Facebook: 83 percent have a Facebook page, and I estimate that by the end of 2011, Facebook will be the leading on-line recruitment space.

I met 11 pimps working out of midtown Manhattan in 1999, and all were out of work within four years.

Social media is really messing with everyone’s business model. Newspapers, dictators and pimps all seem to be feeling the pinch. While the first wave of the Internet and IT revolution had the biggest impact on “the middle man,” I think what we’re seeing with social media (or whatever you want to call it) is disruption on the gatekeeper. Power and control can no longer be centralized.

Photo credit by Balakov

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About Tac

Social media anthropologist. Communications strategist. Business model junkie. Chief blogger here at New Comm Biz.

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    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Avi Joseph, Tac Anderson, Chris Bechtel, Craig M. Jamieson, mo' stash and others. mo' stash said: Newspapers, Dictators And Pimps Are All Being Disrupted By Social Media http://bit.ly/gxjM7s [...]

  • http://OnTheSpiral.com/ GregoryJRader

    Great stuff Tac. You point out two huge shifts. First, that the net removes the role of the gatekeeper and forces “agents” to actually provide a service to maintain their position. Second, that once those gatekeepers are removed, people are willing to engage in much more production due to intrinsic motivation than was once thought. It seems that any productive activity that people are motivated to perform intrinsically is at risk of losing its professional status. Instead of “cult of the amateur” we are ending up with an ecosystem in which there is broad spectrum of “professionalness”/”amateurness”. I wrote a little more about this here: http://onthespiral.com/the-decline-of-the-professional-implications

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