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Bit.ly’s New Redesign: Search, Sharing And Stats

LEGO Twitter Fail WhaleSome people have prematurely begun to add companies like Bit.ly and Tweetdeck to the deadpool now that Twitter has decided to get in the game. But the incumbent Twitter services aren’t about to let the fact that they are now competing with the mother service scare them.

Betaworks has fascinated me from the very beginning. I love startup incubators and their model and investment strategy (they’re also a VC firm) is very cool IMO. Betaworks isn’t taking the competition lying down. I first saw a nice little bit of PR very interesting story in the NYT over the weekend about Betaworks. It’s worth a read. Betaworks, a New York Tech Incubator, Has Grown a Following

Then I was alerted to the fact that Bit.ly just rolled out a new design of their site.

Today we’re rolling out a new release of the bit.ly website, designed to help you more easily shorten, share, and track your links.  The interface has been redesigned from the ground up to be easier to use, faster to load, and provide brand new features.  The new release (which we’ve been affectionately calling fugu) provides enhanced features for searching through your links, more easily shortening links through a variety of means, and an increased emphasis on sharing your personal link feed with others.  You can learn more about the new site by going through the bit.ly site tour.

The new design is slick but what I really liked was their new search, sharing and stats. Why? Because search and stats are always cool :) A while ago I blogged about bit.ly as a personal search engine. How often have you shared a link and then wanted to go back and find it? Happens to me all the time.

Bit.ly is also allowing you to share to multiple Twitter accounts now and will soon be allowing you to share to Facebook. This is a smart move as Twitter’s not the only game in town and it doesn’t make the service so reliant on Twitter.

I for one would still like to see Yammer and Status.net integration. Will someone please do this?

And if you’re like me you LOVE stats. You want to see cool charts telling you how your links are doing. The new version of Bit.ly has got that too.

I haven’t played with the new features too much yet but I’m excited to see the changes. I’ll let you know what I think but I’d love to hear your thoughts.

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Photo credit by tveskov

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Social media anthropologist. Communications strategist. Business model junkie. Chief blogger here at New Comm Biz.

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