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Why My Mom Wants An iPad And I Don’t

Lego iPadIf you’re a regular reader you know I’m not an Apple fan. I love their design, hate their closed system. Also, (to be transparent) most of my tech clients compete with Apple.

A little over a year ago I got my grandmother a netbook because my aunt and uncle really thought she would like to have email and Facebook. Basically they wanted her on email and Facebook. She does some email but she’s not on Facebook yet.

I flew back to Boise today for a quick family event. As I was talking with my mom she said she wanted an iPad. I was kind of shocked. A) that she new what an iPad was and B) that she wanted one. My mom doesn’t have a home computer or even a smartphone. The only people I know who want an iPad are geeks. Of course the only people I really know are geeks.

I personally don’t want one. For what I want I don’t see it doing enough. I have multiple smartphones I have a netbook and a laptop. I could see getting a tablet but I would want more computing power and I don’t want to be tied into an app store. That’s why I was really excited about the Microsoft Courier and HP Slate.

For light weight stuff (like writing this blog post) my Apple and Android smartphones work great. But if I were to get some sort of slate/tablet device it would probably be to replace my netbook.

So why does my mom want an iPad? First off because she’s mobile. She doesn’t have a computer at home not because she doesn’t want one but because she’s hardly ever home. She needs something mobile and she doesn’t need a lot of computing power.

But when I asked her why she wanted an iPad she said because of the Epicurious app. The device is portable. My mom loves to cook and having the recipes with her when she’s shopping or at someone else’s house cooking, is a big plus. The constant connectivity of the 3G iPad would be better than wifi at home, and unlike her son she really wants to read books on it.

Photo credit by ntr23

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About Tac

Social media anthropologist. Communications strategist. Business model junkie. Chief blogger here at New Comm Biz.

  • http://www.bentoboxanalytics.com Meng Goh

    Courier cancelation is a big downer, lots of internal rumble and dissapointment as well. Something we don't want to talk about and want to move past. In the mean time, iPad would be kicking everyone in the teeth. Anyway, iPad without eInk would not be a good eBook device, your mom's eyes would be tired pretty quickly. Kindle might be a better.

  • http://www.newcommbiz.com tacanderson

    I hope that like Frank said, we will see the technology behind Courier resurface in future products from Microsoft or their partners:


  • http://lmaublog.blogspot.com/ lmau

    I was also disapointed by courier cancelation.
    Now I'm expecting a lot of Google side. A tablet with Android, or Google OS could be nice, and would be more opened to the world than Ipad …
    By the way, as soon as Ipad will be available in Europe, I'm afraid I'll buy one without taking time to wait for an alternative, because I really need a tablet at home.

  • http://www.newcommbiz.com tacanderson

    I'm interested in what you really need one for so badly? Not that I'm discouraging you from getting one but you make it sound so urgent.

  • http://lmaublog.blogspot.com/ lmau

    The main reason is named “kindle”.

    Few months ago I was about to buy a kindle, but since I've an Iphone, I've discovered a great new experience for browsing the web, accessing twitter, facebook, and using kindle app to read books.

    Compared to a laptop, the iphone brings me real mobility (light, always connected throw wifi or 3G) and better ergonomics (touchscreen is great for web browsing, reading books).

    I want a tablet, because I feel it will bring me the same kind of experience, augmented because of the bigger size of the screen.

    Here's a post I wrote in march about this http://bit.ly/9ZBeMt.

  • http://www.ipadaccessoriespro.com iPad Accessories

    So that's why most of the ladies are attracted to ipad!! It's stylish, portable and paperweight…

  • http://twitter.com/davidmbaptiste David Baptiste

    Great article, thanks. I've switched over to bartering recently for most of anything I can get without having to shell out cash. There are a couple sites out thereto use, to connect with people who are looking to barter trade/swap items or even services (carpentry work for auto work, etc). One of the sites I use is Baarter - http://baarter.com

    They also have a ' Free Stuff ' section.

  • http://www.ibuypad.com buy i pad

    After reading your post.., I remember a song entitled “The way we were” Great post..

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    Thanks for share. good information.

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    You have to be able to say what exactly is great .

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